Richard Gartee     Award Winning Novelist

How to contact Us

This page used to have a convenient form for getting in touch with me. Unfortunately, professional spammers abused it to the point where my email overflowed with useless nonsense, leaving me no choice but to remove the form.

If you are a human being and not a screen-scraping robot, you will be able to understand the following and properly format it into an acceptabe address to reach me:
contact (at symbol) gartee (dot) com

If all else fails, put a note on a post card or in an envelope and mail it to me at:

  • P.O. Box 358381
  • Gainesville, FL 32635-8381

If you include your email address or phone number, I’ll get in touch.

Note: Do not send manuscripts, treatments, or story ideas. For legal reasons, they will be disposed of without reading.


If would like to be informed of new publications authored by Richard Gartee please subscribe using the form on this link.

If you are a book reviewer and would like to write a review of one of Richard Gartee's novels or non-fiction titles, please use the publisher's request form. Click here.

photo of Richard Gartee

Note to Instructors and Students

All of Mr. Gartee's Pearson textbooks and the companion online software are out of print as of 2018. Although used copies are still for sale on the web, Pearson has discontinued the online lab. You will not be able to do the textbook exercies.